The Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility is the ultimate calmer for dogs.
Anxiety, stress, nervousness or uncharacteristic behaviour can be due to physical or emotional problems. Tranquility by Hilton Herbs is a herbal calmer containing valerian root, vervain, scullcap herb, chamomile flowers, hawthorn tops, marshmallow root, meadowsweet herb, that will not dope or sedate your dog, but will help maintain a healthy and balanced nervous system and a calm outlook.
Tranquility has been formulated to maintain and support:
- A calm and balanced nervous system
- Young excitable dogs whilst undergoing training
- Rescue dogs settling into a new home dogs who have received previous bad treatment
- Elderly dogs that may become confused
- Those sensitive to loud noises such as fireworks, thunderstorms
- Those worried by travelling or meeting new dogs and people
- Those facing other stressful or challenging situations